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A selection of BWRT® case summaries

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Read about 32 real-life success stories and discover how BWRT can help with:

☑ Anxiety
☑ Self-Esteem and Confidence
☑ Fears and Phobias
☑ Panic Attacks
☑ Depression
☑ Fear of Death and Dying
☑ Unwanted Habits
☑ Miscellaneous

In the final chapter of miscellaneous cases, subject areas include sexual abuse, procrastination, grief, guilt, PTSD and IBS.

Terence Watts, creator of BWRT®, says: “In the thirty-two case studies in this book, Claire shows both the width and breadth of her own expertise and the versatile power of this latest of neuroscience-based psychotherapies“.






Anxiety, Exam Stress and Panic Attacks at University

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V was in the first year of an under-graduate degree course and feeling overwhelmed. With deadlines and exams just around the corner, she found that a feeling of anxiety had developed into frightening panic attacks.