BWRT is incredibly successful with all kinds of things which may be standing in the way of your future success and happiness.

happy male

Here are just a few examples:

Panic attacks | Performance Anxiety

This kind of anxiety takes on many shapes, from executive meetings and conference presentations, to intimacy and stage fright.

Click the photo below to read how I helped Kristina, a manager for the national charity MIND, overcome her stage fright in my Essex clinic so she could continue to perform her love of singing and playing music in her spare time:



Yours magazine featured my client, Colleen Ball, after I helped her overcome a serious phobia of heights. Colleen’s great passion is skiing but sudden-onset panic attacks on the slopes meant she was considering giving it up for good. That is, until one session of BWRT fixed it:

Yours Magazine 1

And if you’re wondering how long the effects last for, here is Colleen nearly two years later, enjoying life to the full:

I’m very grateful to Claire Gaskin and her amazing therapy!! Been skiing again this year and many cliff walks so enjoying life very much.  Coleen Ball, July 2018


Even more complex problems like PTSD can be resolved with BWRT, often in a single session:

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Sometimes our life experiences create a psychological pattern which means we lack confidence, even when we look confident on the outside.

When we lack inner confidence we might continually doubt ourselves, feel inadequate or like a failure, so much so that we can’t really enjoy life to the full. This pattern of thinking can affect even the most successful people, the world doesn’t see that – deep inside – there is a feeling of somehow not being good enough.

Click the image below to find out more:

i am good enough 2


Discover how Claire can help you live a better life and book your consultation, today:

‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. Like many other modern therapies, it allows a ‘core of privacy’ so that you do not have to divulge anything you would rather not talk about – in fact, the practitioner only needs to know how you feel and how you would prefer to feel instead. BWRT® is a completely new and different therapy based on the latest discoveries about the way the brain works and how it affects our moods, behaviour and emotions. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. Find out more at